Xiaozhen Zhang is
currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the School of Automation
at Beijing Institute of Technology, under the
supervision of Prof. Qingkai Yang. From February to
September 2025, he is a visiting Ph.D. at the School of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore, working under the
guidance of Prof. Lihua Xie. Prior to this, he obtained
his M.S. and B.E. degrees at Northwestern Polytechnical
His research interests
include multi-agent systems, networked control, and
swarm robotics.
/ Google Scholar
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/ CV

[7] Cooperative
Shape-Translation Estimation and Control for
Time-Varying Linear Formation
Xiaozhen Zhang, Qingkai Yang*, Xianlin Zeng, Hao
Fang, and Jie Chen
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
2025. (Full Paper)
DOI: 10.1109/TAC.2025.3540570. [PDF]
paper proposes a comprehensive architecture for
time-varying linear formation maneuvers. It
comprises two estimators and a compatible controller.
Two estimators are responsible for obtaining the
time-varying linear formation shape and translation
parameters, respectively. Subsequently, utilizing the
outputs of these estimators, the proposed controller
enables the multi-agent system to track the desired
time-varying formation precisely.

[6] Linear formation Control
of Multi-agent systems
Xiaozhen Zhang, Qingkai Yang*, Fan Xiao, Hao Fang,
and Jie Chen
Automatica, 2024. (Regular Paper)
DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111935. [PDF]
new distributed leader-follower control architecture is
proposed, termed linear formation control. The objective
is to navigate a group of agents to reach a specific
target formation, which is a linear transformation of
the pre-defined nominal configuration, whose dimension
can be higher than the agents’ coordinates. The proposed
architecture enables the formation to adjust through
arbitrary linear transformations to accommodate the
environment, offering a diverse range of feasible

[5] Joint Estimation and
Planar Affine Formation Control with Displacement
Qingkai Yang*, Xiaozhen Zhang, Hao Fang, Ming Cao,
and Jie Chen
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,
2024. (Full Paper)
DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2024.3449008. [PDF]
displacement-based distributed estimator is proposed for
identifying the time-varying affine formation shape
[4] Distributed Variation
Parameter Design for Dynamic Formation Maneuvers With
Bearing Constraints
Xiaozhen Zhang, Qingkai Yang*, Jingshuo Lyu, Xinyue
Zhao, and Hao Fang
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and
Engineering, 2023.
DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2023.3283095. [PDF]
framework for cooperatively designing the formation
scaling and translation parameters is proposed in
response to environmental excitations. Excitations
perturb the designed stable third-order integrator
systems equipped with high-order shared control barrier
functions. It generates bounded local formation policy
signals. Then, these signals are regarded as local
references for distributed average tracking filters,
which finally output global formation policies with
[3] Formation Planning for
Tethered Multirotor UAV Cooperative Transportation With
Unknown Payload and Cable Length
Xiaozhen Zhang, Fan Zhang*, Panfeng Huang
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and
Engineering, 2023.
DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2023.3279827. [PDF] [Media]
the tethered aerial transportation system with an
unknown payload and cable length, a formation
optimization is proposed with the consideration of force
distribution on the cables. By utilizing the admittance
model, the optimized position/force hybrid relationships
are converted into unified desired position signals for
multirotor UAVs. This allows to optimize both the cable
tensions and positions of UAVs simultaneously.
[2] Self-Triggered Based
Coordinate Control With Low Communication for Tethered
Multi-UAV Collaborative Transportation
Xiaozhen Zhang, Fan Zhang, Panfeng Huang*, Jiale
Gao, Hang Yu, Chongxu Pei, Yizhai Zhang
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021.
DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2021.3057294. [PDF] [Media]
cooperative path following control scheme is proposed
for the tethered multi-UAV collaborative transportation
system. A self-triggered mechanism is developed to
reduce communications during the synchronization of
local mission times.
[1] Analysis, planning and
control for cooperative transportation of tethered
multi-rotor UAVs
Ya Liu, Fan Zhang, Panfeng Huang*, and Xiaozhen Zhang
Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2021.106673.
robustness of the tethered aerial transportation system
is assessed through analyses of the wrench space and
capacity margin. By involving insights from such
analysis, an optimization is formulated to derive the
optimal configuration and trajectories. Subsequently, an
extended state observer-based feedback controller is
developed for precise trajectory tracking of the UAVs.
[4] A Distributed Algorithm
for Solving A Time-Varying Linear Equation
Xiaozhen Zhang, Qingkai Yang, Haijiao Wei, Wei
Chen, Zhihong Peng, and Hao Fang
62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),
DOI: 10.1109/CDC49753.2023.10383585. [PDF]
solving of a time-varying linear equation is achieved by
enforcing local solutions to track the manifolds
corresponding to local linear sub-equations and reach
the consensus simultaneously.
[3] Distributed Decision
Making on Scaling Size for Obstacle Avoidance in Affine
Formation Control
Xiaozhen Zhang, Jingshuo Lv, Shaolei Wei, and
Qingkai Yang
37th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese
Association of Automation (YAC), 2022.
DOI: YAC57282.2022.10023557.
cooperative formation scaling size decision method using
distributed average tracking technology.
[2] Design and Analysis of
Truss Aerial Transportation System (TATS): The
Lightweight Bar Spherical Joint Mechanism
Xiaozhen Zhang, Qingkai Yang, Rui Yu, Delong Wu,
Shaozhun Wei, Jingqiang Cui, and Hao Fang
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022.
DOI: 10.1109/IROS47612.2022.9981191. [PDF] [Media]
new aerial transportation system is proposed, termed
Truss Aerial Transportation System (TATS), which
integrates the structural advantage of trusses and rigid

[1] Distributed Control for
Cooperative Transportation in Presence of Unknown
Xiaozhen Zhang, Fan Zhang, Panfeng Huang, Chen
Wang, and Ya Liu
IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing
and Robotics (RCAR), 2019.
new cooperative aerial transportation system is
proposed, termed Quadrotors-Net Transportation System
(QNTS), which can be used to cope payloads with any
shape, size, and number but limited total weight.
- "Research
on Motion Control of Swarm Robotics",
at The 8th Graduate Forum of Beijing Institute of
Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing, November 2024.
- "Linear
Formation Control of Swarm Robotics", at International
Doctoral Academic Forum on Mechanics and
Interdisciplinary Subjects, Peking University,
Beijing, October 2024.
- "A
Distributed Algorithm for Solving A Time-Varying
Linear Equation", at AI Future-The 5th Academic Forum
on Artificial Intelligence in Beijing Universities,
Beijing, April 2023.
- "Distributed
Decision Making on Scaling Size for Obstacle Avoidance
in Affine Formation Control", at The Fourteenth
Japan-China International Workshop on Information
Technology and Control Applications, Online, November
Conference Reviewer:
IROS2019, IROS2021, IROS2022, ACC2022, CDC2023,
ICIT2024, ICLR2025.
Journal Reviewer: IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on
Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on
Control Systems Technology, International Journal of
Robust and Nonlinear Control, IEEE Transactions on
Signal and Information Processing over Networks, Journal
of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent
Informatics, Autonomous Intelligent Systems.
Last Update 3/2/2025. Thanks to Jon Barron. |